April really is the cruelest month. At least this week was.

It’s also the month our garden started blooming so here are some photos to go along with the story.

First off, we’re continuing to devote an hour a day total to Plushie’s eyes. We were starting to get the hang of it but Plushie’s now had enough: he avoids getting into position for the eyes (one where it won’t hurt TYG’s back to bend down and apply the eye drops) as much as possible, even when tempted with treats. So that adds to the time and frustration.

Trixie spent Wednesday afternoon and early evening with diarrhea — thank goodness it didn’t last any longer — plus the pain in her ribs that I’ve mentioned before (I don’t have links) resurfaced. TYG triggered it for the first time and freaked out over the pain cry (I don’t blame her, it sounds terrible). We had that to worry about and an extra doctor’s appointment. The squirtling poop stopped on its own and we put her back on pain meds. Those will keep her fine until her next big checkup — and at least this visit the vet heard her cry out, which apparently helps (as I thought, the sore spot is on the side of their ribs though they don’t know why it’s there).

Did I mention that TYG’s schedule left me handling dogs most of the week. And when I wasn’t, I had errands to run. As I’ve noted before, this is fair — she has to deal with bosses and other people’s deadlines, i don’t — but it gets exhausting. Wednesday in particular. Trying to finish this week’s Local Reporter article — on the Carrboro town council meeting and an upcoming business expo —and get technical facts straight while tired and taking out Ms. Squirtle got very frustrating.

We also took the car in yesterday for a checkup. By the time I got back, I should have given up writing and done something non-work for the day. However I’d gotten into the mental state where (to paraphrase CS Lewis) I did neither what was fun or what was necessary — that is, I worked at writing but without much result.

This weekend will be hectic too, but fun. I’d almost like to skip everything and hide in my bed, but I know I’ll feel better once things get going. And next week should be a lot better.

Oh, over at Atomic Junkshop I did discuss how my memories of DC’s House of Secrets in 1968 do not match the reality.

#SFWApro. Cain image by Jack Sparling. Credit for flowers goes to TYG, who’s in charge of the garden — I just move pots and tools when she tells me.

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Filed under Nonfiction, Personal, The Dog Ate My Homework, Time management and goals, Writing

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