Mueller, Cohen, Trump and more

I fully realize that lawyers’ are going to revise their ethical priorities according to their clients’ needs. But it’s still worth remembering that Ken Starr, the evangelical Christian who ruthlessly investigated Clinton’s sex life is one of the attorneys who defended accused serial child molester Jeffrey Epstein.

Unsurprisingly, the head of the right wing Federalist Society, which has been feeding Trump the names of judicial nominees, thinks Robert Mueller investigating Trump is very, very bad and unconstitutional.

“if we must always “be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God” does that mean Christians should obey the Antichrist and accept the Mark of the Beast?” — Fred Clark

I’m not surprised Rep. Matt Gaetz tried to intimidate Michael Cohen before his congressional testimony, but I am surprised he did it so blatantly and openly the Florida Bar is now investigating whether he breached the law. Then again, he represents my former stomping grounds in the Panhandle, so showing he has no ethical limits in defending the president will probably boost his career.

Modern conservatism in one word cloud.

Trump and his outrage over that Saturday Night Live skit.

Trump’s libertine, womanizing lifestyle fits comfortably with his crushing women’s access to birth control and family planning. And as long as he does that, the religious right will ignore the womanizing.

Spike Lee says we should choose love over hate. Trump gets insulted.

Ivanka Trump says Americans will never accept a guaranteed wage because they “want to work for what they get.” Funny how she’s perfectly happy to have dad hand her jobs … but after all, as a kid she thought forcing her servants to buy from her lemonade stand was something to be proud of.

Mark Harris, the Republican at the center of the recent election-fraud scandal in North Carolina, won’t be running in the do-over election.

It’s always projection: Pat Robertson thinks it’s gays who are willing to destroy everything to make society conform to their sexual code.

A white guy talks belligerently and flashes his gun around an Alabama Starbucks. Cops say it’s a legal weapon, there’s nothing they can do.

Then there’s the Alabama newspaper editor who said the Klan should to go Washington and lynch Democrats.

To end on an up note, there’s a Swedish-based group fighting against hate online just by writing supportive comments.




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