Wonder Woman, love icon? (#SFWApro)

So in my post on Essential Wonder Woman Vol. 4, I mentioned how much Kanigher seemed to be borrowing from romance books of the wonderwoman165time in the way he was writing the Amazon in the late sixties. That stirred my memory … and eventually it stirred enough to know why.  Jacque Nodell of the Sequential Crush blog (and grandchild of Golden Age Green Lantern artist Mart Nodell) did a short monograph about that topic, Supergirl and Wonder Woman (and Lois) as romance-comics characters. You can download a PDF at the link.

Nodell goes into detail about how some of the themes and imagery popular in romance comics made their way into the various books so it seems I wasn’t imagining it. If the topic interests you, it’s a short read, and I think she’s spot on, though I definitely don’t think the tactic worked with WW.

Cover by Ross Andru and Mike Esposito, all rights to current holder.


Filed under Comics, Reading, Wonder Woman

4 responses to “Wonder Woman, love icon? (#SFWApro)

  1. Pingback: You’re a Wonder, Wonder—er, Diana Prince (#SFWApro) | Fraser Sherman's Blog

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  3. Pingback: Wonder Woman in Love (or Out of It) (#SFWApro) | Fraser Sherman's Blog

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