Cats in a tree

Wisp is what my more experienced cat-loving friends refer to as a ground cat. She doesn’t climb much, preferring to stay on the ground. But once in a while we see her climb a tree.

In this photo she’s defending her position from Snowdrop. We can’t quite figure out their relationship: they hang out a lot but Wisp often bops him on the head. At feeding time, however, Snowdrop shoves her out of the way; if I put down two bowls, he’ll switch from bowl to bowl, depending which one she’s eating it. It’s a blatant dominance move.

Annoyingly, having Snowdrop around to play with or defend her turf from has convinced Wisp to stay outside at night again. Up until March when the weather here began to warm, she’d been coming in most nights for more than a year, sleeping in the spare bedroom. If I woke up in the middle of the night, I’d relocate and join her. Now, though, she’s regressed. I know, she’s cat, but I still miss seeing her on the bed.



Filed under Personal

2 responses to “Cats in a tree

  1. My former feral also reverts to being an outside cat all night as soon as spring hits!! They can’t resist. I’m glad Wisp has a companion 🙂

    • We can’t decide whether they’re really friends or in a struggle for dominance (or both). I agree it’s (tentatively) nice for her to have company, but after more than a year of sleeping with her, I miss that.

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