Eliminating a few politics-related bookmarks

LGM reports that the strongest opposition to the Affordable Care Act is among seniors who already have Medicare coverage and aren’t affected by ACA. So they have nothing to lose if it’s destroyed.

And possibly a lot to gain. As LGM points out here, Florida stands to lose a ton of money by not signing on to the ACA Medicare expansion (leading to the dubious lawsuit charging that the state does, however, have a right to other federal funding that’s being rescinded) but Republicans (or many of them) are determined not to play ball, whether it’s the fear of someone getting something off hard-working American’s tax dollars or the president’s race or the political damage from people liking a Democrat-backed program.

•Copyright law may authorize John Deere to control how farmers modify or work on their tractors (ditto for how we modify, remodel or tinker with our cars). Because the software under the hood is proprietary and covered by copyright law, so in John Deere’s view farmers don’t own tractors, they have an “implied license” to operate the vehicle.

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