Progress reports

Adjusting to the census has slowed me down a lot on the Applied Science series, but story #5—for which I’m still debating the title—is solid. Still needs polishing, but it’s there.
#6 went in a completely different direction than I thought, but I really like it. It needs more work—much more—but I think my early worries I’d wind up with stories following the same formula structure were overly pessimistic.
I’ve found a publisher that seems perfect for my steampunk novel Questionable Minds. However, as frequently happens with e-submissions, they have their own standards, so I’m going to have to spend some time reformatting the manuscript.
Ehow has opened up a real-estate section that pays slightly more, so I’m going to do lots of stuff (I hope) for that. Money is good.
I’m trying to get some article queries off, but given that’s never generated much income for me, I’m not making it a priority—the potential for a higher dollar-per-hour rate is appealing, but I’ve higher priorities just yet.
I still feel like I’m not caught up—I really thought I’d be working on Brain From Outer Space again by this point—but I’ll get there. Eventually.

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