Spin doctors of doom

When the DEA saw the pharmaceutical industry catering to the opioid epidemic (one pharmacy was ordering more than it could physically store), they cracked down hard. A big PR and lobbying campaign by big pharma defanged the watchdogs.

Hungarian leader Viktor Orban is a right-wing authoritarian whose party leaders say “When our girls give birth to our grandchildren, we want them to regard it as the defining moment of their self-realization,” and whose political campaigns began the demonization of George Soros. Nevertheless, American right-winger Rod Dreher says he’s “energetic, fiercely intelligent, funny, self-deprecating, realistic, and at times almost pugilistic in talking about defending Hungary and her interests.” Because as long as you’re entertaining to talk to and a really nice guy, you can’t be that bad, right? Yes, actually. But I’m sure if you’re as right-wing and anti-gay, anti-Muslim and anti-woman as Dreher, Orban’s just what the world needs.

Similarly, the White House pretends anti-gay Mike Pence can’t be anti-gay because he meets with gay politicians. Meetings with anti-gay activists as well? Uh, look, a chicken!

The MIT Media Lab was quite happy to let Jeffrey Epstein improve his image by giving them money.

Lisa Bloom, I gather, has worked as an attorney for women victims in many sexual harassment cases. So she told Harvey Weinstein she knew how to destroy Rose McGowan in the media along with other women accusing him.

Sean Hannity flaks for a doctor who claims he can give you the miracle cancer cure Democrats are keeping from us.

““Now if ‘university’ means by definition you grant degrees and you are accredited by whoever accredits universities to be a degree-granting place, then we’re not a university,” conservative Dennis Prager said before going on to explain that he considers Prager University a university anyway.

So Ohio gave a very generous bailout to its power companies, paid for by surcharges on customers’ bills. One political group is trying to gather enough signatures to put a repeal of the bailout on the 2020 ballot so bailout supporters are painting it as a Chinese conspiracy to steal personal information and take over Ohio’s power grid.

I’ve seen liberals (certainly not all) criticizing discriminatory policies against Muslims since the second Bush administration. Nevertheless, Bari Weiss insists that we don’t care about Muslims unless we can use them to attack Israel.

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