Thankfulness (#SFWApro)

Eight years ago before I met TYG, I was getting seriously stressed. I had no love life to speak of, money was increasingly tight (my cheapskate employer’s fondness for balancing the budget by cutting employee pay) and I had a hard time imagining it would ever be any better. Some of my friends were miserable and depressed, which was affecting me more than I realized.

Then I met TYG. And now I’m married to TYG. And every day I realize how much happier the day is because she’s there. I write full-time. Four years ago, we were able to buy a house. We have the puppies. These are wonderful things.

So I have much to be thankful for, and I am. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

And as a small bonus bit of thanks, our Christmas cactus is blooming early. Photo by me, give credit if you use it.


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