ehows and links

Following up on my week in review, here are my ehows:
•What Is a Merchandiser for iTunes?
•Android Debugging Widgets
•What Should Be Done If You Get a Message That Reads: Mouse Not Found?
•When to Use a Slit Lamp Camera?
•T-SQL String Functions
•How to Change the Properties of an Existing PDF Using iText
•Disk Image Data Recovery on a Macintosh
•IDM Sync VS Resync
•What Could Block Java So That It Does Not Work?
•How to Build Your Own Android Marketplace
•What Is Channel Sounding?
•Advantages & Disadvantages of Web Browsers
•What Does SPF Mean in Microsoft Project?
•How to Create an SEO Glossary
•What Is a Mangos Server?
•Credit Card Machine Laws
•Will 4Gb Make a Difference in a Mac Book?
•Business Apps on the iPad Vs. the Android
•String Length Limit in Python
•Can You Delete MSP Files?
•How to Cycle GPS Apps for the Android
•What Is a VSO Device?
•Contrast Ratio vs. Lighting Behind the TV
•What Is the File Extension GLX?
•The iCal Events Disappear
•Can You Sync to iDisk Even When the Computer Is Asleep?
•VMware vs. Microsoft vs. Citrix
•The Advantages & Disadvantages of Isolated Input & Output Memory
•What Does 4G Embedded Mean?
•Good Settings to Speed Up a Netgear Router

And a few links:
•James Banford reminds us how much our government is spying on us and how little the law restrains the NSA. One court has already ruled that the government has no obligation to divulge who it spies on … and nobody can challenge the eavesdropping unless they can prove they’ve been spied on. Perfect!
•A discussion of the increasing military style of American policing.
•Slacktivist ponders the nature of ultimate justice: Will all be made right in the next world? What does that mean? What does that signify for this world? Why do we believe that justice should even exist when that so often isn’t the case?
•Glenn Greenwald talks about how OWS is spreading ripples of activism.
•In this post I linked to conflicting articles about the prospect for Iranian nukes and what it would mean. The first article’s author responds, and the comments include a counter response.
•And for writers, some thoughts on defining and describing characters. There are lots of fleshing-out lists for characters available, but I really like this one.

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